As a mental health therapist, I have always stood on the values of inclusion and equity. The atrocities in 2020 against people of color reminded me that I can not stay silent on this issue. I can not hope that people will know me well enough to know my values on this topic. Thus, I am sharing specifically and publicly that I believe the injustices of our society against Black people is unacceptable. I stand in solidarity as an ally with the Black community. Black people have been suffering in our society for far too long and none of this is okay. I am committed to learning more on this topic, uncovering and identifying biases within and around me and calling myself and others to action. I am committed to taking action to make both yoga and mental health spaces safer emotionally for people of color. I have a business of one - it is very small. But NO ONE is too small to stand up against racism. Since I was a child I knew there was something wrong in our society with how people of color are treated. I just didn’t have the words or the understanding that I do now as an adult. Color Blindness, I have learned, is not the answer. Researching, reading, asking, seeking out the hard facts, doing, speaking, teaching our children, these are (some) answers. I pledge to continue doing more of all of this and to strengthen my cultural competency on an ongoing basis.
We are committed to working with all races, sexual and relationship orientations.
This is a safe space.